Heading up the final sport pitch on Easter Island. Photo by Jonathon Spitzer.
On top of Easter Island. Photo by Jonathon Spitzer.

Since my life in Seattle is often over booked with school related activities, I have very little time for climbing. I go to the gym several times a week but its not quite the same as climbing outside. When you don't get to climb all the time, the short trips mean so much more. I had hopes of cramming all my climbing goals into this brief trip. Weather and tired muscles dictated otherwise.
Dana Larkin climbing on the Scarface wall. Photo by Jonathon Spitzer.

This is my third trip to the desert that I have brought the rain with me from Seattle! We had snow, hail, sleet, rain and a couple classic bluebird days. On those sunny days, I tried to climb as much as possible. Despite aching muscles, bruised appendages and sore feet, I felt pretty good up high on the rock. I always seem to forget how physical the climbing is in the desert. When the trips are short its hard for me to convince myself to take rest days. I paid the consequence for that when I could barely get myself off the ground on a climb that I know I could have done easily if I was fresh. The disappointment in that day reminds to strive to quality versus quantity.
Michelle heading up.
Climbing continues to deliver some of my most valuable memories and experiences. From laughing with close friends, to athletically moving through a challenging sequence to finding the meditative focus necessary to push through to the next move. Thank you desert for providing a brief moment of raw serenity.
Photo by Jonathon Spitzer.

Petzl Hirundos Harness
Petzl Spirit Quickdraws
Petzl 3-D Attache Locking Carabiners
Petzl Elia Helmet
Petzl Nomad 70m 9.8 Rope
Julbo Whoops Sunglass with Zebra lenses
Many Black Diamond cams
We all seek our own moments of serenity. Thank God we can find them sometime. Dad